New dates available! Click the following link: New CPD dates.

Salt skills Sessions are CPD accredited

We are now able to offer CPD Accredited Psychoeducational Skills Sessions to anyone who closely supports and/or works alongside adult survivors of childhood trauma. This training is accredited at 15.5 hours, and certificates are awarded on completion of all 5 sessions and between session work.

Having run out our immensely popular and empowering skills sessions to service users over recent years, we have received incredible feedback at every session about the usefulness of the content and how empowering and hope filled it is.

For our service users these sessions consist of 4 x 2 hour sessions, and the accredited version is a copy of these with the addition of a 5th session (2.5hrs) to look at some of the theoretical background and process.


The first four sessions are applied to a personal issue (yes, we all have them!), which may or may not be sexual abuse, and this process is supported by the facilitators. While these sessions are therapeutic, they are not ‘group therapy’ as minimal personal information is shared. There will be a maximum of 8 people in the room to allow time for reflection and processing, plus 2 facilitators. 

Topics looked at include:

  • Roots & Shoots                     
  • What a child needs to thrive                 
  • Mask behaviours
  • Hyper and hypo arousal of the nervous system
  • Hearing voices               
  • Self harm                 
  • Nightmares, night terrors, & flashbacks
  • Dissociation                           
  • Relationships                   
  • Core beliefs and emotions
  • Shame, guilt, and fear                         
  • Barriers to the healing journey

And more!

Some comments from our first CPD Skills Sessions include:

Surpassed 20 years of my own therapy!

I’ve learnt more in the last 5 sessions about processing trauma compassionately, and in a meaningful relevant way with lots of tools and little jargon. Thank you so much.

I want to do what you all do at SALT!

This has been the most valuable part of my own training to become a well equipped counsellor and has shown me some things I need to work on myself. So valuable to have space to apply it to me experientially – more please – wish it was longer.  

If you like the idea of learning something about yourself alongside learning a framework that has been used very successfully to support survivors for over 35 years, get in touch with us via our training email: We will be happy to let you know when the next training dates are! 

Owing to the nature of this training we recommend that if you have major childhood trauma that remains largely unresolved, you will need to access support before attending this training and/or have support available for after the training. While there is therapeutic support for the duration of the training, we are unable to continue to offer this once the training is completed. 

The therapeutic work of SALT with service users is focused solely for those with childhood sexual abuse experiences, however, all of our training covers a wider remit. If you have sexual abuse in your childhood, please feel free to self-refer to SALT (though please note we do have a waiting list).