SALT is thankful for all the support we receive from national bodies, local churches and individuals.

Individual donations are always welcome and if you are a taxpayer you can Gift Aid your donation, which means SALT receives an extra 25%, at no extra cost to you.

You can also support SALT when you shop online:

Amazon Smile – ( choose SALT South West as your supported charity)

Give as You


You can also give directly:

Sort code: 560063

Account: 09479465

Business account – SALT SOUTH WEST.

Taxpayers can ‘Gift Aid’ any donation, which means that SALT receives an additional 25% at no extra cost to you.

This is a brilliant way to donate both individual gifts or monthly donations.  They deal with the Gift Aid element which is paid after six weeks rather than a one off payment from HMRC once a year.  Also, anyone who wishes to participate in any sponsored fundraising event they  can use this website to gather more sponsors.  Sometimes donors feel that online giving is more efficient!