For people already assessed and waiting:

The aim of these sessions is to equip SALT South West service users to be ready for their therapeutic sessions with their listeners.

The first course ran in May/June 2015 was very well received with very positive feedback from service users who will soon be commencing their individual therapy sessions.

In view of the success of these courses, two further courses are about to commence (September 2018). So far we have run seventeen courses for females and two for males.  

The courses include the following:

                    Understanding yourself:                                                                                  


                      Nightmares, flashbacks, self-harm, voices and dissociation;                     

                       Setting yourself up to succeed!

All sessions are at the Union Street building and days and times vary with each course.

There is NO requirement to share ANY personal details, and there will be no more than eight service users attending, plus two facilitators.

There is no charge for this educational process, although donations are always welcome.  Attendees must be physically able to climb one flight of stairs, and free-flowing tea, coffee and biscuits will be provided for all!!

Feedback for pilot course:

“The skills training has given me an insight into the way I am.”

Nightmares and flashbacks – “Helped to ground myself by saying it is not happening now.”

Mask Behaviour – “made me realise I am not being dramatic, I do some of these behaviours for a reason.”

“Thank you so much, I feel I’ve made some steps to recovery.”

Feedback from the last courses are:

Just a few of the comments made by clients both during the course and at the end. 

“Feeling hopeful this programme will help”.

“I feel more equipped to be able to control my own perception of myself”.

“I can now handle self-harm, suicidal thoughts, OCD and hopelessness more positively.”

“Amazing support given throughout: I now have enough in my tool box to go and get creative and nurture ‘little me’. Thank you.”

“Bleddy Marvellous!”

“Always more to discover but massive increase (in understanding).”

“Just knowing I can call is lovely to know”.

“Turning up today was overcoming a personal barrier”. 

Most useful today is learning how to nurture myself”.

“I’ve learnt how to calm myself down when having nightmares and flashbacks”.

Further comments are shown on the Client Testimonials page.
