We are thankful to all those who support SALT through prayer.
All communications with our prayer partners is undertaken within the boundaries of maintaining client confidentiality, and detail of traumatic information is never shared.
Prayer is vital to the work of SALT as it underpins the fundamental belief at the centre of our work – that Jesus is our cornerstone and centre of all that we do as a team. Each team member is invited to have two prayer partners, who pray for the work of SALT and for the team members. Over the years as the team has changed many of our prayer partners have stayed.
We issue a bi-monthly prayer partners diary, as well as a twice yearly newsletter.
We have meetings twice every year for all the prayer partners and team to meet and pray together – a time of thanks to Jesus for each partner’s support.
We are always glad to receive scriptures, words of encouragement and prophetic words and pictures given by our prayer partners.
If you are interested in supporting SALT in this way please do contact us and we can tell you more.